Stigma & Gender Bias – Susan2


Susan2's heart diagnosis was missed while she was treated for pneumonia.


Eventually, after the second round of antibiotics, we went back to the family doctor. And at that point, she said, ‘Okay I’m going to send you to the hospital and let somebody else look at you.’ Okay, so we went to the hospital and the first thing the doctor that saw me said was that ‘we’re going to admit you. It’s not your lungs. It’s your heart.’ And that was like, ‘What?’ I’m 28 and that was really hard to hear and understand. At that time, women, young women were not associated with heart failure. It just wasn’t one of those things that they associated it. So that’s why the diagnosis of pneumonia probably went on as long as it did. I was mad at the beginning because I waited a whole month, but anyway. I understood kind of where the doctor was coming from.

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